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SOUL MAP astrology | 2Questions + 3Transits

discounts in theTRIBE | codes in theVILLAGE

25% off for FAMILY | parents, partners, children, siblings ONLY

12% off for FRIENDS & other Relatives




2 questions

3 current astrological transits

30min AUDIO response @ 7 days 

NOT a call-in session








  • receive a downloadable GIFT certificate with a description of the SOUL MAP astrology mini-Reading
  • instructions on HOW TO
  • expires 90 days from purchase or 90 days from 12.25





  • 3 current astrological activations/transits

  • clarity around your planetary healing opportunity

  • birth chart mini overview

  • channeled insight to 2 questions, themes, dynamics

  • a HIGH-FREQUENCY Energetic Healing alignment to your highest, current in-body potential & release of expired energetic threads

  • NEXT STEPS for your most clear DHARMIC path

  • a personal MANTRA created from your session

  • a copy of your birth chart along with your current transits

  • your 30-minute healing HIGHTAIL audio response within 7 days of questions received



1.  complete the SOUL MAP astrology purchase below

2.  EMAIL your name along with your mini-session focus: 

  • 2 questions, themes, dynamics

3.  birth information:

  • date

  • time *

  • place

*  if you do not have your time of birth,

let me know, and we can rectify your chart


terms of purchase

Upon purchase, all terms & policies within this site are agreed upon by all parties.

GIFTS | expire 90 days from purchase or 90 days from 12.25

GIFT | SOUL MAP astrology


    ~temet nosce~

    jeannine kim


    intuitive | astrologer | medium | teacher | h.h.p. | yogi | writer

    santa fe, new mexico

    all rights reserved 2000-2024

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