dissolve patterns | access masteries
INTOtheMYSTIC...the Sacred Art of Shamanic Soul-Retrieval. a reunification at the core level, shifting the full subconscious platform from which you build this life. a knowing of Self with a foundational, fundamental clearing like no other. tap the heart of your empty & access sacred guidance in every moment to forever change how you intuitively BE in your world. this is a journey for everyone.
this is NOT past life regression.
this will bring forth NOT just ANY past life...
THIS, is so much more.
EXPLORE & DISSOLVE each chakra's initial wound thru past lives
BRING TO LIFE the ancient source of your current life patterns, trauma, & wounds
ACTIVATE & INTEGRATE your innate soul masteries
ENERGETICALLY STRENGTHEN all 4 bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical)
SHARPEN the tools needed to GROUND your current spiritual work
ANCHOR what you come to know, into your everyday life in tangible, practical, sustainable ways
DISCOVER your physical Holistic needs to match your spiritual growth by way of nutrition, supplements, herbs...
what they're saying | MYSTIC messages HERE
Part 1 | clearing the container
out-of-session continual support
deep dive into the root wound of each chakra & ...
nutritional & holistic guidance
birth chart discovery of Masteries/Traumas
Part 2 | embodying empty recommended
out-of-session support
learn how to be with your discoveries from MYSTIC part 1
integration of your new resonance
learn & practice the art of intuitive reading, OHSO tarot, mediumship, remote viewing
Part 3 | ONGOING tuning the instrument (repeat as often as you choose)
ongoing MYSTIC learning, integration, out-of-session support
for your free 15min consultation
Part 1, 2, 3
8 | 90min Sessions
(per part)
use within 4 months
12% off | in theTRIBE
0% & installments
U.S. | AFFIRM & PayPal
outside the U.S. | Klarna